The World Of Agricultural Chemicals

Posted by Admin on July, 30, 2021

Agricultural Chemicals are a set of those chemicals that are used for agricultural purposes. These chemicals practically include pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers, and many other types of chemicals that are used to control pests and control the growth of crops.

Agriculture is the lifeblood of our country. India is an agrarian country and the varied topography and variable monsoon makes it very difficult for farmers to carry on the process of growing crops without fertilizers. Thus Agriculture Chemicals are widely used in India.

Why Agriculture Chemicals?
Agriculture Chemicals are practically that product that helps the crop to grow and provides food to the entire country as well as the World. The reasons for using Agriculture Chemicals in such wide amount go as follows:
• Monsoon in India is a very variable season. There are a lot of factors that govern the coming of the Monsoon season and this ultimately results in the suffering of the agricultural sector. In certain years when there is very less amount of rain then the agriculture severely suffers and hence farmers have found the replacement of natural process. They have introduced irrigation and have started using Agriculture Chemicals so that the natural process stays aligned.
• Due to the growing population even if Monsoon arrives at the correct time and gives the right amount of rain it will be nearly impossible to produce such a huge amount within such a short span of the rainy season hence accelerating the growth of the crops at a much faster rate these chemicals are used.
• Sometimes there are severe attacks on the crops by the pests. To handle such a situation and to stop the decaying of the crops the farmers always feel safe to keep the agriculture chemicals with them.

The Demand for Agriculture Chemicals
India is an agrarian country hence any types of agriculture-related items are in great demand in India. Howsoever it should be noted that any agricultural products that are being manufactured in India are in great demand in Foreign countries mainly the European and the American countries.

There is a huge demand for agriculture chemicals as well in Foreign countries because they do not invest a huge amount of lands in agriculture and hence the Agriculture Chemicals Exporter of India export huge amounts of Chemicals to the Western countries. This results in swift trade between India and the Western countries. Besides the Agricultural Products, the Chemicals are also exported.

Although Agriculture Chemicals are used in crops it should be noted that these chemicals are harmful and when mishandled can cause huge damage. The precautions to be taken are as follows:

• The farmers should be educated about the uses of each of these chemicals and should be told very clearly when to use what.
• Farmers should be told to keep these products away from children.
• They should be notified that these are non-edible products and when eaten can cause severe side effects that can lead to death.
• They should wear masks while using the products in the field.
• When the crops are finally harvested they should be properly treated so that the pests do not affect the people eating them.

Agricultural Chemicals are necessary to grow crops in a country like India and hence they should be properly used as well.

This entry was posted on July, 30, 2021 at 11 : 56 am and is filed under agro chemicals. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response from your own site.

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